Privacy policy

Tenova S.p.A. appreciates your interest in our company, our technologies and our website.

In relation to the General Data Protection Regulation1, Tenova S.p.A. (hereinafter also the “Company”), as Data Controller, would like to inform you regarding the processing of anonymous and personal data when using our website (hereafter the “Website”).

1. How Tenova collects your personal data.

All personal data is processed in compliance with the Regulation, assessing all the risks involved and respecting the obligations of confidentiality, which has always inspired the activity of our Company.

2. What personal data will be collected by Tenova.


On this website, Tenova S.p.A. uses different types of cookies to guarantee the website’s core functionalities, improve user experience, and develop aggregated statistics on the data collected. Cookies are little text files that your internet browser automatically transmits to our webserver when accessing our website such as the used operating system, the internet browser, the previously used website (referrer URL), the time and the IP address. These data are only collected and saved in an anonymized format that does not allow any conclusion to you as a person; cookies used by the Company are technical and analytical cookies.

Technical cookies are necessary to navigate the website and to use certain functions (e.g. viewing the videos embedded in our website).

Analytical cookies are used for statistical analysis of site accesses in aggregated form, excluding any kind of remarketing nor other commercial actions.

For this specific type of cookies, the Company decided to avoid the use of third-party cookies, preferring to select a tool called Piwik PRO, an analytics suite with a focus on user privacy and data security, which allows the Company to install exclusively first-party analytical cookies for statistical purposes.

Additionally, the Company has opted for an anonymization technique of users’ IP addresses (level 2 masked, as illustrated here), whose activation will delete the main part of the technical information and, therefore, will never allows the Company to identify users. This way, IP address cannot be traced nor reconstructed in any way by the Company; moreover, no combination with other data resources will be made.

The complete list of installed cookies is available in the below table and at this link (specifically for cookies created by Piwik PRO).





Redemption Period



Shows an active session of the visitor.

30 minutes



Used to recognize visitors and hold their various properties.

13 months



Holds custom variables that were set during the previous page view.

30 minutes



Used to pass a site or app ID between Piwik PRO’s modules.

365 days



Stores session information for Piwik PRO’s user interface (UI).

24 minutes



Stores a PHP session ID.

24 minutes

_stg_debug / stg_debug


Determines if the Tag Manager’s debugger should be displayed.

14 days



Stores the type of traffic source that explains how the visitor reached the website.

30 minutes



Determines whether the last visitor’s session is still in progress or a new session has started.

365 days



Determines if the visitor has already been to the website — they are returning visitors.

365 days



Determines if the combination of a tag and trigger was fired during the current visitor’s session.




Stores a name of the campaign that directed the visitor to the website.




Stores a name of the campaign that directed the visitor to the website.




Stores an URL of a website that referred a visitor to the website.




Used to simulate the behavior of the opt-out snippet in the debugger. It turns off all tracking tags in the tested domain.

365 days



Used to turn off all tracking tags in the tested domain.

365 days



Permits the website to verify Javascript functionalities of browsers.




Keeps track of user’s selections regarding cookies.

100 days



On this website, we make use of some web tools that are needed to guarantee a friendly user experience (e.g. uniform representation of fonts) and provide users with all necessary information about the Company (e.g. offices’ locations).

Social Media

In order to facilitate the integration between the website and social media, users find dedicated links to social platforms through the website. For this purpose, we are not using Social Media Plugins. We offer only direct links to social media content.  

3. Why our Company process your personal data.

The processing of your personal data will take place within the normal activity of our Company and for the purposes indicated below:

  1. With reference to data collected through cookies, as already specified in par. 2, the purpose of the processing is due to technical reasons, service quality and statistical purposes, in order to be able to optimize our internet presence to design our internet service range even more attractive;
  2. archiving purposes.

5. How our Company will process your personal data.

The processing of your personal data will be based on principles of correctness, lawfulness and transparency and protection of confidentiality.

In relation to the indicated purposes, the processing of personal data is done through manual or computer tools with logic strictly related to the purposes, which do not include the use of automated decision-making processes and, however, in order to ensure the security and confidentiality of data, by properly authorized personnel.

Personal data will be processed with this means until data subject erasure request and, in any case, for period of time not exceeding 24 months, for which such information is relevant for the purposes listed in par. 3, unless otherwise indicated or requested by the data subject.                                     

6. To whom will our Company communicate or transfer your personal data.

Your personal data shall not be disclosed in any way and may be communicated to Tenova S.p.A. subsidiaries or third-party suppliers of Tenova S.p.A. entrusted with the performance of activities for the pursuit of the purpose indicated in paragraph 3 (such as service providers, suppliers, clients, if necessary for the purposes in par. 3 and/or for administrative and/or accounting purposes), who act as Data Processors or joint Data Controller.

As part of the contractual relations between Tenova and its affiliates, and between said affiliates, for some of the purposes indicated above and/or for organizational and technical requirements, your personal data may be transferred outside the EU, including by means of their inclusion in shared databases managed by third-party companies. The management of the database and the processing of this data is restricted to the purposes for which the data was collected and will be carried out in presence of adequate safeguards and in compliance with the confidentiality and security standards set forth in applicable personal data protection laws.

In every instance when your personal data is transferred internationally outside of EU territory, Tenova will take the contractual measures necessary and suitable to ensure an adequate level of protection of your personal data.

7. What are your rights in relation to the processing of your personal data.

At any time, you can know how your data were acquired, check whether they are accurate, complete, updated and well kept, as well as assert your rights under Articles 15 and subsequent of EU Regulation 2016/679 (right of access, right of rectification or erasure of data, right to restriction of processing, right to data portability, right to object), by writing to

If you believe that there has been a breach of the law in the processing of your personal data, you may lodge a complaint to your country Data Protection Authority, or to the Italian Data Protection Authority (“Garante per la Protezione dei Dati Personali”, as Lead Supervisor Authority) or appeal to the competent judicial authority.

8. Data Controller and Data Protection Officer (DPO).

The Data Controller is Tenova S.p.A, in the person of its pro-tempore Legal Representative, whom the data subject may contact to obtain any further information connected with this privacy policy and, if necessary, to exercise the rights granted by law, also by writing an e-mail to

The Data Protection Officer (DPO) appointed by Tenova S.p.A., pursuant to article 37 and subsequent of EU Regulation 2016/679, is Mr, Donato La Muscatella, domiciled for this purpose at the registered office of the Company, who may be contacted by data subjects for any questions relating to the processing of their personal data and the exercise of their rights in this matter at the e-mail address

(1) Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data (also the “Regulation”).